Bizno Launch Party

Our One and Only Virtual Launch Party

Launch Party
Bizno Launch Party
Bizno Launch Party

Our readers had been extravagantly asking us about ourselves, so we decided to meet our interested stakeholders in an exotic manner. It is not going to be held in a banquet hall which has plethora of pros and cons having their own significance.

  • We can welcome guests from entire India and abroad. It is more of an international party, there’s no limit on a virtual party.
  • You save money and time on travel.
  • Not only this, both of us save money on meals and venue.
  • No need to dress for the event. You can attend the party wearing your pajamas or shorts.
  • The party would be right from the comfort of your home.
  • Party would be held via Google Meet.


The dates would be announced soon. Kindly stay tuned. Fill the form below, so that we can inform you.

What is there special for you?

  • You’ll get to know about us. We’ll get to know about you.
  • You’ll get to know a lot of people.
  • You’ll get an opportunity to publish your content.
  • Get inspired with the speakers. Give your views as well.

If you wish to speak at the event, you’ve to communicate your interest before hand. Kindly email or fill the form below.

If you’re interested in attending the event, kindly fill the form below.

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